Do you sometimes feel that you have not yet achieved everything from yourself, your team or your organization? That so much more is possible? That you just need that one bridge to move forward? You are not alone: about 80% of all employees currently experience insufficient happiness and passion in their work!

Through his books, lectures and seminars at home and abroad, Bas reaches many thousands of managers and professionals every year, who, full of inspiration and energy, manage to bring themselves and their organizations to a renewed state of flow and enthusiasm.

About Bas Kodden

Professor Bas Kodden is one of the most sought-after trainers in leadership and change in the Netherlands, as well as a bestselling author. He gives lectures in the field of leadership and engagement, both nationally and internationally.

Read more in his Biography


Next to his participation in national and international conferences, Bas also performs full ‘one-man shows’ about topics such as personal, team and organizational leadership, HR, Recruitment & Selection 3.0, leading innovation, and the importance of engagement for sustainable performing organizations.

These events are for a broad  audience at diverse locations, from knowledge festivals and museums to boardrooms. For example:

  • An inspiring, interactive lecture for relations and employees;
  • The kick-off of a major change process;
  • A tailor-made seminar for the internal leadership program;
  • A complete internal leadership program of 3 to 4 half-days.

His keynotes are always tailor-made, full of humor, practical, personal and energetic.

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Every year, Bas Kodden offers a personal leadership program for 5 to 7 managers. For half a year, coachees are guided in individual sessions on personal and business issues.

Request Coaching


Bas’s lectures and masterclasses are visited and evaluated by many thousands of participants every year. In the year of 2022, his contributions were again rated with an average of 9+.

More evaluations

Participate: Executive Leadership Programme

Bas Kodden verzorgt regelmatig lezingen en workshops. Bekijk de agenda om te zien waar je kunt deelnemen.

Executive Leiderschap Programma

A unique two-day Executive Leadership Program on September 20th and 21st of 2023 that Bas Kodden developed for everyone who finds leadership important and wants to make it work. Get lessons from Bas himself, in a small group

Location: inspiring location in the middle of the Netherlands

More information

Read more: new books

Bas Kodden schreef het boek "Out of Control. Juist door de controle los te koppelen van hiërarchie en regels, en de controle over te geven aan professionals, komen organisaties weer ‘in-control’.

Out of Control

It is precisely by decoupling control from hierarchy and rules, and handing it over to professionals, that organizations become ‘in-control’ again.

But how do you do that? How do you create more room for regulation without losing control? And how do you successfully involve fellow managers in this movement?

More books

Listen to his recent podcasts

Bas Kodden deelt in deze podcast van SixStarLeadership zijn inzichten op het gebied van leiderschap, werken met teams, leidinggeven, leidingnemen en introspectie.

The cycle of leadership

Bas Kodden shares his insights in the field of leadership, working with teams, performance, leadership and introspection in this Six Star Leadership podcast.

This podcast concerned a specific target group, namely (former) commandos, executives within defense and entrepreneurs. See many others at BNR, Volkskrant and Eindbazen, among others.

More media items

Bas is the author of several bestseller books and has published in top scientific journals. His most recent research has been published in Springer Nature, Palgrave Macmillan, Routledge and the Cambridge Journal of Management and Organization. His research has been featured in the Financial Times, Reed Elsevier and Management Team, among others.
